Diamond Bouquet

Diamond Bouquet

Diamond Bouquet

Do you want to give an elegant and refined bouquet of flowers in white tones? The Diamante bouquet is perfect for you. Composed of beautiful white roses and delicate seasonal flowers, this bouquet is ideal for any special occasion. Our local florists ensure the use of fresh, high-quality flowers to guarantee customer satisfaction. Make someone special happy with the Diamante bouquet from Teleflora.

Product photo 1 bouquet

Delivery Information
Clients' reviews

Fresh flower delivery to your home in 4 hours.

When you shop at Teleflora.es, your order is sent to the nearest master florist to ensure perfect reception of your bouquet.

Your order is crafted with fresh flowers by master florists and hand-delivered. Our extensive network of florists allows for home delivery throughout Spain. We will make every effort to ensure that the bouquet received by your recipient is as faithful as possible to the selected one. However, please note that the type of flower, colors, or container may vary depending on the florist's availability.

Delivery price: €7.95