Pink Florist's Bouquet

Pink Florist's Bouquet

Pink Florist's Bouquet

Let our master artisan florists choose the prettiest flowers to compose a unique bouquet in shades of pink just for you.

Choose a size:
- Classic: approximately 20 cm diameter
- Deluxe: approximately 25 cm diameter
- Excellent: approximately 30 cm diameter

Product photo 1 bouquet

Delivery Information
Clients' reviews

At Teleflora we offer 4 hours flower delivery all-year round, including Sundays and public holidays.
When you buy on, your order is sent to one of our 1800 artisan florists located across Spain.
Then, Stunning fresh flowers are handcrafted by our local florist and personally delivered.

We will try that the bouquet you ordered is as similar as possible to the one you receive. However, be aware that varieties, colors and container may vary due to local availability.

Delivery price: €7.95